Grand Opening
Hi everyone,It's been an epic journey but our website is finally coming together. In the next few days we'll be posting new photos along with some sweet recordings and videos of our recent recording adventure. With that said, let me give you an idea of what we're up to...
Last month Dave, Jason, Mike and I traveled to Indianapolis to begin recording our second album with Tyler Watkins (if you haven't heard our first album, go buy it or send me an email and I'll send you the link to download it for free). We got the better parts of new songs "There Was Light," "Hollow," "And We Are All the Same," and "Come On Come On" finished. It seems like we're really expanding in the studio and we're all really excited about getting to record some more next month.
Instead of describing the sound of the new stuff or going into detail of how many ridiculous religious billboards we saw (too many to count), I'm going tell you about this badass storm we saw. Let me preface this story by telling you that I have an unhealthy obsession with tornados that will later in life send me to a winding, whirling rollercoaster of a death. Anyway, on one of the nights in the studio Mike was tracking bass when we heard the tornado sirens going off outside. Since it wasn't raining and the storm looked pretty far off we climbed up 4 stories and got up on the roof to watch this thing coming in. Although I half-wanted to see a monstrous EF4 thrashing up the place, I counted my losses and took some video of a pretty gnarly looking wall cloud a few miles away. The sky was all sorts of whacked out with colors that I have never seen before. The thing was really amazing and I got some video of it that I'll be posting as soon as I figure out how to edit video (never).
Regarding our touring plans, well...we're just going to stay local for a little while. We're playing one good show each month. Our August show is at the Metro Gallery and I'll keep the show list page updated at the same time our MySpace is updated.
Well that's it for me. Thanks for reading!